A 911 Telecommunicator will answer your call and identify the agency you have reached. We will ask you several questions that will assist our division in dispatching the appropriate agency or agencies to respond to the location you have provided.
When dialing 911, we will ALWAYS ask you the address of your emergency. Despite what you may have heard we cannot immediately pinpoint your location based on GPS coordinates of your device. In some cases this information may not automatically be provided especially in the case of cell phone usage. We will confirm the telephone number you are calling from as well to make ensure we can contact you should the phone be disconnected.
Several questions will be asked in order to dispatch the appropriate emergency to assist you. In some cases we may have you stay on the line until help arrives. For medical emergencies we have installed the National Academy Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) program which will allow our organization to provide you with pre-arrival instructions such as CPR, how to control bleeding or even assisting someone deliver a baby.