Dare County, NC
MenuTax Maps
The tax map provides a reference to a tract or lot's designation and location. Determining the tax map you would like to select involves first identifying the "PIN" number used by the Dare County Tax Office for referencing tax parcels to tax maps.
The PIN number for each parcel can be found on the Parcel Data map where you can locate the parcel by Owners Name, Tax Parcel Number, Street Address, or by visual point and click from aerial photos.
The first six digits of the PIN number represent the tax map number on which that particular tax parcel can be found. In some instances, a tract or lot may cross over onto another map. The index located in the bottom right corner of the tax map indicates the map you are viewing (center square) surrounded by the adjacent map numbers (outer squares).
You can also easily locate and download the tax map you are looking for with the following tools:
For a list of all tax maps- https://tax.darecountync.gov/taxmaps/