Adult Health

Our Adult Health program provides screening and preventive services which includes physicals, immunizations and limited laboratory testing.  

Adult Home Specialist

We are tasked by the state with the monitoring and investigating of complaints for assisted living facilities in our county.

Adult Placement

Our Adult Placement service provides assistance to individuals and their families in seeking alternative living arrangements.

Adult Protective Services

Our Adult Protective Services program works to protect disabled adults from abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Breast & Cervical Cancer Control

Through the North Carolina Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) we are able to provide free or low cost breast and cervical cancer screening and follow-up services to qualified women between the ages of 21-64, with an emphasis on women over 50.

Community Alternatives Program

Our Community Alternative Program offers an alternative to placement for Medicaid recipients who need the level of care offered in nursing homes but who prefer to remain at home.

Care Management Services

Our nurse case manager collaborates with primary care providers to respond to referrals from hospitals, other healthcare entities, and self-referrals.

Dare Home Health

Dare Home Health provides nursing care, therapies and other health care services in the home. Our goal is to treat your illness or injury, help you get better, regain your independence and become as self-sufficient as possible.

Diabetes Education Program

Our Diabetes Education Program offers training for people with diabetes. Services include an assessment by a registered nurse and/or registered dietitian, and up to nine hours of group education.

Diabetes Prevention Program- Prevent T2

Our Prevent T2 class is a diabetes prevention program offered by trained lifestyle coaches utilizing the Center for Disease Prevention & Control's curriculum.

Guardianship & Payee Services

We are able to provide guardianship and payee services for identifying adults who can no longer make competent decisions concerning themselves and/or their property, petitioning the court to determine incompetency, locating and working with families and others during the proceedings, and serving as guardian when no other appropriate person or resource is available.


Our Immunization Program promotes public health through the elimination of vaccine-preventable diseases such as polio, hepatitis B, measles, chickenpox, whooping cough, tetanus, rubella (German measles), and mumps.

In-Home Aide Services

We are licensed to provide in-home aide services in Dare County. Assistance provided includes help with bathing, dressing, walking, meal preparation, essential errands, housekeeping and home management.

Keeping Current

Keeping Current is an interactive program designed to empower and equip adults with the tools necessary to prevent teen substance abuse.

Laboratory Services

We are able to provide tests and lab services for individuals who have a written order from their primary care provider.  

Legal Services

We are available to provide legal services to adults 60 and older through a grant we receive from the Older Americans Act. We can assist with drawing up wills, powers of attorney, other documents and providing legal advice.

Maternal Health Services

Our Maternal Health program targets uninsured and underinsured pregnant women to prevent maternal and infant morbidity and mortality through early and consistent access to prenatal and postpartum care.

Pregnancy Care Management (PCM)

Our PCM program is a support program that focuses on helping pregnant women access health care services and resources.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections (STDs or STIs)

STD/STI screenings are available through our clinic. Regular screenings are important because you may have an STD/STI without any signs or symptoms. All STDs/STIs can and must be treated, and some can be cured. Depending on social and sexual history and physical exam, you may be screened for:

  • Chlamydia or NGU

  • Gonorrhea

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

  • Syphilis

  • Trichomoniasis

  • Herpes Simplex Virus

  • Hepatitis B

  • Genital Warts

Special Assistance In-Home

Our Special Assistance In-home program allows some individuals who could receive care in a licensed facility to remain safely in their private living arrangement with sufficient income, adequate housing, necessary health and social services, reliable supports and case management.

Veterans Services

Dare County values the service and sacrifice made by local men and women in uniform. 

In appreciation, the Dare County Board of Commissioners provides a local Veterans Service Office to help veterans and their dependents gain information and assistance in accessing all available benefits.The Dare County Veterans Service Office provides up to date information about Federal benefits and programs including – disability benefits, dependent and survivor benefits, hospital and medical care, burial benefits, education and training, vocational rehabilitation, home loans, and state of North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs. 

Women, Infants & Children (WIC)

Women, Infants & Children (WIC) is a nutrition program that provides healthy foods for you and your family. WIC is available for: women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or recently had a baby; infants from birth to one year of age; and children from one year of age to their fifth birthday.

Women’s Health & Family Planning

Our Family Planning Services Include routine annual visits for women’s health, STD screenings and treatment; breast and cervical cancer screenings, contraceptive & birth control options, and pregnancy testing.

Women of Worth 

Our Health Educators implement evidence-based programs for women in the Dare County Detention Center and various locations throughout the community.