Dare County, NC
MenuVeterans Services
VA Form 10-10143g - Non-VA Hospital Emergency Notification
If you have VA healthcare and need to go to the emergency room, VA rules state you're supposed to notify the VA within 72 hours of your visit. Sometimes veterans are unable to get through to the VA, may forget or might not even know this rule.
There is a form that you can have on hand to take with you in these emergencies, VA Form 10-10143g - Non-VA Hospital Emergency Notification. You can also let the hospital know of the form and they should be able to download it. In some cases, hospitals will notify the VA but, just in case, a veteran might want to have this form on hand to avoid receiving a bill. This form can be found at the following link:
Type 10-10143g, hit enter and you can download and print it. If you are unable to do this but would like a hard copy of the form, please contact Patty O'Sullivan, Veteran Service Officer at 252-473-7749 and she will be happy to send it out to you.